My main diplomas
- PhD (Docteur en Sciences) at the University of Brussels (2004)
- MSc (Diplome d'Études Approfondies en Physique Théorique) at the University of Brussels (1997)
- Post-Graduate (Post-Graduate Studies in Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety) at the University of Buenos Aires (1995)
- Lic. (Licenciado en Física) at the University of La Paz (1995)
My work experience
- Professor and Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Físicas of the University of La Paz (Permanent position since 1998)
- Lecturer and Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Físicas of the University of La Paz (1996, 1992-1995, and 1990-1991)
- Researcher at the Instituto Boliviano de Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear (1994-1996)